Resident Students

Please use the Resident School Identifier button to verify your address. The administration diligently verifies the address information of all incoming and currently enrolled students. Students with falsified addresses will immediately be transferred to their home school.  A student may only have one residence for enrollment purposes; The residence of the student’s parent/guardian who resides within
the boundaries of the school district.  An address of a relative or an address where a home is under construction (uninhabitable) is not allowed.
Note: Lanai provides a comprehensive enrollment packet, we kindly request you do not use the generic Enroll button above.
2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR 
All Universal Transitional Kindergarten information can be found by clicking here
NEW K - 5 Resident Enrollment:
NOW: Request an Enrollment Packet (Click on the yellow button below)
SUBMIT: Submit your completed packet to the Main Office between 9am-2:30pm.  No electronic submissions.
June 24 - July 30, 2024: Office Closed for Summer
NOTE: Packets will be emailed within 24-48 hours from date of request (excluding holidays and school closures).
Only original enrollment paperwork will be accepted, no electronic or mailed submissions. 
If you are interested in enrolling your student in the current school year (2023-2024) or have any questions, please email [email protected].